Sunday, January 8, 2012

Bleeding in 31 yr old male?

Hi! I need advice for my 31 yr old brother. About 6 mos-1 year ago, his starting bleeding like a normal hemorrhoid would. No biggy b/c it was not that much blood, just an average amount. For the last couple of weeks, he has a pain about 5 inches up from his rectum. Everytime he has a b.m., blood pours out. The blood is like a purple to black color. He is in severe pain when he makes a b.m. He went for a colonoscopy yesterday and they couldnt complete the test because he was in so much pain. They said they have to send him somewhere that can put him under first. Well he thinks the drs set something off from yesterday b/c today when he has a b.m., he is gushing what seems to be like lots of cups of black/purple blood. He went to do the ER tonight and they sent him home after his blood work came back normal. Has anyone ever heard of this and what can he do to help it. He said he cries a lot in pain. He is overweight, drinks regularly and smokes (if that helps). Thanks for any help you can give.

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